Ballast water management System – BWT

The Optimarin Ballast Water Treatment (BWMS) is based on a combination of filtration and UV technology. A key aspect of the system is precise adjustment to different seawater qualities ensuring effective disinfection, but saving on power whenever possible using an advanced UVT ‘feedback’ loop.

The Optimarin ballast water management system is available with capacities from 50m3/h to 3,000 m3/h in a single unit. The equipment can be provided skid mounted or in loose components for simplifying retrofit installations where there is the need to make the best use of available space.

The Optimarin ballast water management system (BWMS), designed and manufactured by Optimarin,

  • complies with the revised IMO G8 standard
  • has received the U.S. Coast Guard Type Approval.

Key features of the Evac Evolution ballast water management system

Based on a combination of filtration and UV technology, the Optimarin BWMS is available with capacities from 50 m3/h to 3,000 m3/h in a single unit.

The equipment can be provided skid mounted or in loose components for simplifying retrofit installations where there is the need to make the best use of available space.

During uptake the sea water passes through the filtration unit where the larger organisms and sediments are removed. At regular intervals, the retained material is automatically back flushed and discharged at the original ballasting site with minimal reduction of the ballast water flow during the back flushing process.

The sea water continues to UV treatment where smaller organisms, bacteria and pathogens are killed before the water passes to the ballast tanks.

During ballast water discharge, the sea water bypasses the filter unit and goes directly to the UV chambers where it is sterilized for a second time. This avoids the risk of any contamination due to regrowth in the ballast tank.